
Traditional liturgy and uplifting music

Monthly Services

BCP Matins with Holy Communion

Turkdean holds a traditional Matins service with Holy Communion at 10:30am on the second Sunday every month (except August.)

The simplicity of All Saints’ 12th century Norman building and the familiar rhythms of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer are complemented by music, mostly of the 16th and 17th centuries led by the Turkdean Choir.


Music from the 16th and 17th centuries

All Saints mounts celebratory musical services two or three times each year, usually on a ticketed basis through (to ensure that we do not overflow our seating capacity!)

Recent services have included Monteverdi’s Messa a quattro voci (SV190) Palestrina’s Missa æterna Christi munera, and William Byrd’s wondrous Mass for Four Voices of 1592.

All Saints also mounts a Floral Choral Evensong every Summer, a Solemn Eventide Communion for Maundy Thursdays and an atmospherically candlelit Carol Service.

“It is rare to hear such extraordinary music in such an intimate, simple setting. The history really envelops you. Thank you so much.”

Emma Smith

See our calendar of services for 2025

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