Herschel Halo infra-red heating chandelier for All Saints Church, Turkdean

1st June, 2024
We have now received the Faculty from the Diocese authorising us to install two new Herschel 7800W infrared heating chandeliers, hopefully in time for the Winter – so now we just have to raise £20,000.

Since the removal of the rood screen and the re-joining of Chancel and Nave, more of our congregation now sit in the Nave and these infra-red heaters will effectively heat the congregation without having to heat the whole volume of the Nave space, thus helping to fulfill the churches “net zero” ambitions.

The Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust visited All Saints Church Turkdean in April 2024 to hear the bells recently repaired with their very generous assistance.

24th June, 2024
After a VERY successful evening of fund-raising at our Floral Choral service we are delighted to be able to announce that we have now raised £13,226 of our £20,000 target for the new infra-red heating chandeliers!

Michael Maloney joined us for our Floral Choral Evensong on Sunday 23rd June in Shakespearian conversation with Rev Alycia

Floral Choral
Sunday 23rd June


HM King Charles III

26th April, 2024
We have now been joined, photographically at least, by HM The King, a picture of whom has now been hung on the South Aisle wall.

14th April, 2024
Although we are very sad to hear that our Priest-in-Charge, Rev Dr Alycia Timmis will be leaving the Benefice in July, we are delighted to hear that she will be joining Haberdashers’ Monmouth Schools!

April, 2024
The church path has now been repaired!

January, 2024
James Towler has kindly taken on the crucial rǒle of Parish Treasurer.

October, 2023
All Saints’ wifi internet is provided through Gigaclear’s excellent Community Hub programme.

The restored bells of All Saints Church, Turkdean ready to be rehung from the newly strengthened bell frame

30th June, 2023
Turkdean’s four repaired and restored bells returned from
the bellhangers, Whites of Appleton, and were briefly displayed in the Nave.
The bells have now been re-hung on the newly strengthened bell-frame

An Eventide Communion Service featuring Willliam Byrd’s Mass for Four Voices was held on 19th November 2023 in the 400th anniversary year of the
composer’s death at which the bells were blessed (and rung!)

20th December, 2023
We celebrated a beautiful candlelit carol service and enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies in the Nave afterwards to kick off our Christmas celebrations.

The grave of Joan Margaret Radband (1938-2017) at All Saints Church, Turkdean 2024

September, 2023
A new headstone has now been erected for Joan Radband (ob 2017), who was for many years a redoubtable hand deliverer of our Parish and Benefice magazine,

11th February, 2024 – Quinquagesima
Choir anthem “Christus factus est”
by Felice Anerio (1560-1614)

19th November, 2023
An extraordinary choral end to our fund-raising for the restoration of Turkdean’s bells with Byrd’s Mass for Four Voices sung by the Cantores Chamber Choir

Byrd's Mass for Four Voices (1592) sung by Cantores as an Eventide Communion at All Saints Church, Turkdean as a celebration of the restoration and return of the medieval bells

GHCT Ride+Stride 2023

All Saints Church, Turkdean route maps for GHCT's Ride + Stride 2023

9th September, 2023
All Saints organised Northleach Benefice’s participation in the Gloucestershire Historic Churches Trust sponsored “Ride & Stride”
in 2023.

With a runner, a rider, a cyclist and a driver leading different parties around sections of the 22-mile trans-Benefice route, we set ourselves the target of raising £1,000 to divide between GHCT and the individual churches of the Northleach Benefice.

Ride+Stride 2023 at All Saints Church, Turkdean

9th September, 2023
An early start was a winning strategy for riders on what turned out to be the hottest day of the year.

TOTAL RAISED: £3,105.00

See our calendar of services for 2024

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